New Year Resolutions Made Easy

What the New Year brings to you will depend on what you bring to the New Year.

Yes it's that time again, January means new resolutions, a chance at a fresh start, 365 days of infinite possibilities! See below our list of New Year Resolutions Made Easy - resolutions you'll actually stick with!

1. Drink more water
Easier said than done, right? The recommended consumption is eight glasses of water a day to help with clearer skin, to feel more energised and assist with weight loss. But water can be kinda bland after awhile - that's why we recommend using our Slim It! All our flavours are delicious and help you get the daily water consumption! If you are miss-forgetful download the app 'My Water Balance'. Set how frequently you want to be notified, then you will never miss a moment of hydration.

2. Put your mental health first
Take a few minutes out of each day to focus on having a great mental state. Whether it's going for a walk in the sunshine, meditating, reading a book or starting a gratitude journal - it really doesn't matter. A happy mind is imperative to health and wellness. Download our 28 Day Wellness Challenge to improve your mental health.
3. Try a fitness class
Yes 'try', not commit. The problem with New Years Resolutions is the pressure we put on ourselves to stick with them. Start out slow and go from month-to-month. Trialling different fitness classes/workouts is the best way to find out what you like and what you don't. Think aerial yoga, clubberise, HIIT, water aerobics - the opportunities are endless!

4. Get more sleep
There's a reason people say "time to get your beauty sleep". It's no newsflash that sleep is essential to a healthy lifestyle but a lot of us aren't getting enough. With our busy schedules, sleep is often the one that misses out. Well no more! Try creating a sleep schedule that works for you. Then download 'Sleepzy' an app that tracks your sleep cycle.

5. Unplug once a week
No matter whether it's for an hour, a day or weekend, the world is your technology-free oyster! Have you started receiving weekly updated from Apple about your screen time and your daily average usage shocked you? Yes, we have all been there...Let's try to reconnect with nature, family, friends and be in the moment rather than behind a screen.

6. Stop doing what you hate
Don't like kale, stop eating it. Keep going to a fitness class just because your friend goes, suggest another one. Don't want to drink on weekends, don't do it! This year you are going to do what makes you happy!

7. Go on that holiday
Did you get FOMO after seeing all your friends in Europe for summer? Well 2019 is your year to explore. Think snorkeling in the Bahamas, snowboarding in Canada, Coachella and USA road trip; have you got wanderlust yet? Check out the Lonely Planets recommended 2019 Best in Travel for some inspiration! 
8. Say Yes
Think of all the times you said no to opportunities because you may have been scared, CBF or because you think people will judge you. Try to be more open to new opportunities you never know who you will meet, what will happen or where it will take you. 

Image Source: @barre3

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