Golden Immunity Porridge

Do you need assistance with taking steps towards achieving your weight loss/health goals? The Unique Muscle 12 WEEK LEAN UP Healthy Eating Guide is a FREE guide to help you achieve your goals the healthy way and in time for summer! Click here to download!

Wake up to this nutritious porridge that’s actually good for your immunity! Turmeric + Cinnamon + Ginger + Coconut milk is the perfect combo for Golden milk and then make this into a protein porridge! Super Yummy, creamy, coconuty and packed with protein! 

Golden Immunity Porridge 
(makes 1 bowl)

1/2 cup grain of choice e.g. rolled oats 
1.5 cup coconut milk
1 tsp ground cinnamon 
1/4 tsp ground turmeric 
Pinch of black pepper
1/2 tsp ground ginger or 1 tsp grated fresh ginger
1 serve of Vanilla Coconut Lean Up protein powder 

Simply bring everything except protein power to a boil and then simmer on low heat until desired consistency. Turn off heat and stir in protein powder. Serve hot.

For more tips and meal ideas, download our FREE 12 WEEK LEAN UP Healthy Eating Guide! Click here to download. 

Original source via @nourishandflourishsyd

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